Jewish Student Chaplaincy was pioneered in Scotland in 1969 when Rabbi Michael Rosin was asked by students in the Northern Region to become their Honorary Jewish Chaplain. There has been a continual presence since then, where Chaplains work together with members of the JSCS trustee board, University Jewish Chaplaincy, universities and students to facilitate a hospitable and warm Jewish experience for students at Scottish universities.

The Shabos joined University Jewish Chaplaincy in August 2022, along with their two children, after two years in Athens where they worked with the Jewish community with a variety of audiences. They are both proud to work with the future generation of the Jewish world, to support and assist during the busy university years. They believe that engaging in Jewish life on campus and being part of a vibrant community is truly empowering. Their passion lies in creating an inclusive and supportive environment that fosters positive experiences for all Jewish students.